Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Dr. Bradley A. McGregor is currently a Medical Oncologist specializing in genitourinary malignancies at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Completing is undergraduate and medical school education at Tufts University; he then joined the United States Air Force at the San Antonio UniformedServicesHealthEducationConsortium. Whileinthemilitary,hecompletedhispost- graduate training in internal medicine, medical oncology and hematology and subsequently provided oncologic care to active-duty members, their family members and retirees across the spectrum of benign hematology and medical oncology in San Antonio, TX and northern California at Travis Air Force Base. He served in Afghanistan as the Deputy Commander for the NATO led Medical TrainingAdvisoryGroupwherehementoredtheAfghanphysicians. Reachingtherankof Lieutenant Colonel and receiving the Meritorious Service medal, Dr McGregor left the Air Force in July of 2016 and came to Dana Farber. Initially appointed as the Clinical Director of the Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology at DFCI in 2016 he now is the director of clinical research. He has served as principal investigator for several trials while leading IITs in treatment of rare genitourinary malignancies, non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
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